Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Blogging: The voice of the unheard

I've noticed (not a new discovery) that a lot of the reasons behind people starting blogs is because they have something to say and no-one else will listen. I'd be lying if I said that that wasn't a small part of the motivation behind me starting a blog. I do actually have lots of people who patiently and graciously listen to all of the weird and wonderful things that bounce around in my head and I'm grateful for those people in my life. I'm a Christian and I believe God speaks both to me (probably not in the ways you're thinking) and through me so a large portion of this blog will be committed to what I believe He's saying to me. This does not mean however that my blog is primarily directed at Christians or anyone else for that matter. It's likely to change with every post to be honest.

This blog is not primarily a cry for attention or recognition (although admittedly there's a little of that in there) but the thing is I have lots of thoughts that whiz through my head and I'm starting to feel more responsible for getting them written down because I believe that if they are developed, they'll actually be able to help people and bring them into a greater enjoyment of their lives.

I can't promise that there won't be the odd rant or rave about this or that now again so if you do end up reading this...sorry. Bear with me. I'm growing too! As I would like to get into publishing later in life this blog is also a practice ground for me so constructive criticism is very welcome!! I'd love to hear thoughts and ideas about what I write and how I write it. I want to get better.

I hope I've made the goal of this blog clear and I hope that if you've read this far you'll be willing to keep me accountable to what I've set out to do.

Thanks for reading, I hope you continue doing so and that you get blessed.

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo! Looking forward to reading all your weird and wacky thoughts! :-) Faith
