In the Church it has somehow become unacceptable for us to have problems. Getting dressed in your Sunday best must include the “Sunday Smile” that assures everyone that everything is great and you’re going from glory to glory! We celebrate testimonies about trials and struggles of various kinds but the story cannot be shared until the final battle is fought. I believe this attitude is crippling the Bride of Christ.
To the rest of the Western World, the Church has often been recognised as a beacon of judgementalism, double-standards and hypocrisy and I think this is part of the problem. Somewhere along the line we've instilled fear into people that comes from judgement and we've forgotten 1John 4:18 which says: “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.” Although we desperately need help when we’re struggling or things aren't going well, fear keeps us from coming clean. It may be fear of being judged by members of the church, fear of being punished, fear of losing the appearance of being a Super-Christian. Whatever. Ultimately our actions are being dictated by fear and that is not a healthy way to live.
I think we’re forgetting the kinds of people Jesus hung out with. I'm not just talking about the “sinners”, look at the disciples. They had issues with anger and problems with greed. They were elitist and argumentative. James and John had homicidal thoughts (Luke 9:54), Peter was always read with something stupid to say (read any of the gospels!) and Judas was a thief and... well...you know. There was a level of openness and honesty that Jesus had with the disciples that is missing in the Church today. Think about it. If any of us were hanging around Jesus we'd be on our best behaviour trying so hard not to slip up! There's something about the presence of Jesus that brings out the best in you - to be celebrated as well as the worst in you - to be corrected. They felt so free to be themselves around him that their faults would be exposed and when they were He would either gently point them in the right direction or outright rebuke them and then they would make changes in their lives and carry on. Jesus says that when as little as two or three Christians gather together in His name, His presence is made known (Matt 18:20). We should expect to encounter the same freedom as the disciples when we meet with other believers but for a lot of us, sadly that isn't the case.
There’s two sides to this problem. On the one hand I think we can be quite wimpy when it comes to being corrected. Many of us are so immature that when someone challenges us on sinful attitudes and practices we take it personally and rebel against them (Proverbs 9:8). “Who do they think they are telling me that when they do this?!” or “What I do is none of their business!” We even sometimes use Scripture to justify ourselves! On the other hand we suck at rebuking each other in love! We see correction as a duty we must fulfil in order to be right with God. I think this is a mistake. While the Bible tells us to bring correction into each other’s lives we must remember that it is for our mutual benefit as the Church. So all of our rebuking has to come from a place of love. That’s how He does it (Rev 3:19) Without love we end up hurting people and causing them to react badly. I had a priceless friend as a teenager who would come to me and say something like “You know I'm for you and not against you right?” I’d then brace myself because I knew some loving correction was soon to follow and I'd take a shot in the pride. I truly knew she loved and valued me and wanted me to grow in God so I was happy to hear what she had to say. I've written a longer blog about this which you can find here: http://tony-campbell.blogspot.co.uk/2012/12/real-people-real-relationships.html
Isolation is one of the devil’s main weapons against the Church. Whether it’s physically or emotionally the devil wants you alone. Secret sin is a massive killer of Christians because it cuts you off from the life-giving love and restoring forgiveness Jesus has instilled in the Church (John 20:23). I believe that something we NEED to see appearing in the Church now is an increase in openness and acceptance amongst believers. I'm NOT saying we all have pity parties where we confess sin to each other and pat each other on the back. Instead what is needed is a greater revelation of God’s forgiveness for us (which will keep us from trying to judge anyone else) an increase in supernatural love for each other so that our seeds of correction find good soil and a deeper understanding of community that leads to us supporting each other through the tough times that are real until we’re made whole. Finding people who will constantly speak our true identity over us and remind us of who Christ has made us is vital as well as taking up Paul's charge from 1Thessalonians 5:16-18. We should be celebrating the testimonies all the way through the process!
Mankind was created to be naked in their relationship with God vulnerable, honest and without shame (but definitely with clothes...) Let’s get back to His original intention. If Jesus isn't ashamed of us, we must have nothing to be ashamed of. (Hebrews 2:11)
Thanks for reading! I'd love to hear your thoughts and comments!
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